Ransomware Recovery In South Florida

5 Strategies That Will Augment Your Ransomware Protection

Ransomware is a major risk for organizations of all sizes. These proactive measures will help protect your company from cyberattacks.  

Are you inadvertently leaving your corporation open to being the victim of a cyberattack? Simple things such as putting off software patches or upgrades for a few weeks — or months — can have a dramatic impact on the overall security of your business. With ransomware damages expected to top $11 billion in 2019, companies are scrambling to find ways to reduce their risk factors for this particular type of malware. Use these simple suggestions to help your business keep your cybersecurity on track.

Reduce the Possibility of Infection with Ransomware Protection

Ransomware attacks are happening as often as every 11 seconds throughout the US, and there are no immunities for small to mid-size businesses. These organizations are proving to be attractive targets for hackers, with the perception that IT security measures may not be as robust as they would be in an enterprise.

  1. Create a full audit of your digital landscape, mapping all data sources and business systems. By detailing this information before an attack happens, you’re essentially creating a playbook that allows you to quickly identify which systems to shut down or disconnect in the event of a cyberattack. This allows you to more quickly identify and remediate any issues when they arise.
  2. Secure your extended network by reviewing any mobile or IoT devices that have access to your business network. Many companies are finding that it makes sense to separate their WiFi network from the main business infrastructure because it can reduce the possibility of an attack being introduced from the outside. A recent vulnerability reported with Ring doorbells underscores this issue.
  3. Protect your systems with a robust data backup and disaster recovery strategy. Louisiana technology teams are learning this the hard way at the moment, with the devastating attack on state systems. In this particular instance, the hackers were able to exploit Microsoft’s Active Directory via a remote administration tool to deliver their payload.
  4. Work with a trusted IT services provider to implement a comprehensive security suite that includes ransomware protection. Finding trusted consultants that have extensive experience in cybersecurity helps ensure that you have immediate access to IT security experts when you need them.
  5. When you create a culture of ongoing education, you are forming an additional layer of protection around your organization. Each of your staff members is a potential security risk, with access to sensitive customer and business information that is valuable to hackers. Reducing the risk for your company requires a commitment to stringent training procedures that include repeated testing and proactive review with any staff members that show a propensity for clicking on malware tests or questionable emails.

The security of your company is a top priority, and your business could be at risk of serious loss without advanced cybersecurity protection from the experts at ECW Network & IT Solutions. Contact us at {phone} to learn more about our proactive IT security services and ransomware protection that we offer for South Florida corporations. We help organizations of all sizes identify any vulnerabilities and create a more robust cybersecurity strategy aimed at reducing the risk of attack. You can also chat with our friendly staff online anytime to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.