
Network Security Assessments In South Florida

Comprehensive IT Services Will Significantly Boost Network Security

It only takes a single bad decision by an employee or a simple vulnerability to bring your business network to a halt. See how proactive IT security support boosts your protection level.  

Fighting crime in the cybersecurity world is a different proposition than in the physical world, and one that is akin to the Wild West for many organizations. Simply understanding today’s complex threat landscape — much less protecting against these evolving threats — is often more than organizations can handle internally. This has driven many corporations to look outside their IT department to form a comprehensive scope of coverage that will help boost network security and reduce the risks associated with cybercrime. The good news: There are technical professionals that are well-armed with the tools and knowledge necessary to help protect your business against unnecessary cybersecurity risks.

Cybersecurity Dangers Facing Corporations Today

It doesn’t take a lot of research to see that the cybersecurity dangers facing enterprises today are vastly different than only a few years ago. Cybercrime is on a significant upward trend, with everything from mobile devices to routers causing vulnerabilities at scale. According to research compiled by the World Economic Forum:

  • Only 65% of all URLs can be considered “safe”
  • 4.5 billion records were breached in the first half of 2018
  • Four new malware samples are created every second
  • 60% of online fraud is accomplished through your mobile device
  • 80% of mobile fraud comes through an app as opposed to a mobile browser

Plus, artificial intelligence — one of the most promising technologies for organizational change and added efficiencies — is being exploited by cybercriminals for cybersecurity evasion, phishing attacks and social engineering at scale.

Protecting Your Network Against Aggressive Cyberattacks

Staying protected requires more ingenuity than simply adding antivirus and anti-malware software or investing in a single-source solution that promises extended cybersecurity support. Instead, you need to know that active monitoring is in place to quickly identify any trending changes in your network utilization or activity. Ongoing training strategies for your staff can help reduce vulnerabilities and advanced cloud-based solutions for email and website content filtering can help arrest potential threats before they reach your organization. Protecting your network against all types of attack requires a multi-tiered approach:

  • Next-generation firewalls and spam filtering
  • Deployed virtual private networks for staff working remotely
  • Performing a thorough security assessment to identify (and remediate!) any potential vulnerabilities
  • Security audit that involves understanding where your most valuable digital assets are located and how they’re being protected

In today’s data compliance climate, reporting and security standards are more robust than ever before — and the potential damages to your organization have skyrocketed in the event of an attack.

Finding the right IT network security services for your corporation means taking the time to fully vet any potential partners, understanding their response times as well as their depth of bench to support the unique needs of your organization. Contact the friendly and knowledgeable professionals at ECW Network & IT Solutions at {phone} to schedule a free initial consultation. You can always learn more about our IT security consulting or fill out our online contact form for a quick response. We serve organizations throughout the Deerfield Beach and South Florida area, providing comprehensive IT services and support for businesses of all sizes.